Choose an mp3 below and read along with the transcript to improve your comprehension of spoken French. There are also many fill-in-the-blank (cloze) exercises that you should try first before reading the transcript.
Buy Informal and Spoken French as an e-book! Informal and Spoken French includes more than 200 pages of informal speech, slang vocabulary, spontaneous listening resources with transcripts and exercises, and authentic French-language realia images from Europe. This e-book also comes with 91 mp3s recorded by several native speakers and FREE lifetime updates. Download a sample of Informal and Spoken French (including the table of contents). The companion e-book, French Language Tutorial, is also available. Buy the two French e-books together at a discounted price!
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se présenter / introduce yourself
Liliane se présente (0:23)
l'apparence physique / physical appearance
un copain à moi (0:54)
le caractère / personality
une jeune fille très heureuse (1:41)
l'heure et la date / time and date
l'emploi du temps (0:41)
l'emploi du temps 2 (3:40)
le téléphone / telephone
un message (0:16)
un message 2 (0:36)
le climat / climate
dans les Alpes (1:24)
les sports / sports
la pétanque (2:34)
le travail / work
carrossier (0:55)
vendeur (1:43)
l'argent / money
l'euro & le franc 1:09)
le shopping / shopping
les soldes (1:20)
les médias / media
les séries à la télé (1:28)
le film Mon Idole (1:15)
la santé / health
le système de santé (2:37)
les fonctionnaires et les grèves / civil servants and strikes
les concours (1:42)
la réforme des retraites (2:21)
les expatriés / expats
un français au Québec (2:25)
le conditionnel / the conditional
si tu gagnais au loto (2:29)
la famille / family
ma famille (1:16)
la routine quotidienne / daily routine
ma journée (1:04)
les tâches ménagères (1:43)
les repas / meals
le petit déjeuner (2:27)
le logement / housing
décrire son appartement (1:22)
les maisons en France (3:49)
la nourriture / food
la cuisine française (1:19)
la vente de l'alcool (0:59)
la ville / the city
Annecy en Haute-Savoie (3:20)
les transports / transportation
prendre le train (0:40)
Listen & Read (0:43)
les magasins / stores
à la boulangerie (0:41)
la campagne / countryside
la Savoie vs. la Provence (2:40)
les animaux / animals
chat ou chien ? (0:36)
l'éducation / education
le système scolaire en France (1:30)
l'état civil / civil status
le PACS (3:48)
les vacances / vacation
mes meilleures vacances (1:09)
le tour du monde (0:31)
Air France (0:14)
les fêtes / holidays
Noël en France (1:45)
le 14 juillet (0:59)
la géographie / geography
les DOM-TOMs (1:26)
Thanks to dot59, jpljpl, Lancelot, and bbernrd at for helping with transcriptions!
This work by Dr. Jennifer Wagner is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. You may use, adapt, distribute, and edit these mp3s for personal and educational purposes as long as Dr. Wagner is attributed. No commercial use is allowed. French Listening Resources is listed in MERLOT, the Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching.
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