German Translation: Family

Gap-fill exercise from

Type the correct translations of the vocabulary words, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. (Use the buttons at the bottom to insert accented characters if you are unable to type them on your keyboard.) Don't forget to type the definite article before nouns if it is missing and to capitalize the nouns!
Adult = der

Aunt = die

Baby = das

Boy = der

Brother = der

Brother-in-law = der

Child = das

Cousin (f) = die

Cousin (m) = der

Daughter = die

Divorced =

Father = der

Friend (f) = die

Friend (m) = der

Girl = das

Godfather = der
Godmother =

Grandchildren =

Granddaughter =

Grandfather =

Grandma =

Grandmother =

Grandpa =

Grandparents =

Grandson =

Husband =

Marital Status =

Married =

Mom =

Mother =

Nephew =

Niece =
Parents =

Relative = der/die

Siblings = die

Single =

Sir / Mister =

Sister =

Sister-in-law =

Son =

Stepfather =

Stepmother =

Teenager =

Toddler =

Twin =

Uncle =

Wife =

Woman / Ms. =


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