Portuguese Work and School Vocabulary

Learn vocabulary related to work and school in Portuguese

Brazilian Portuguese Language Portuguese Language

Need more Portuguese? Try the Portuguese courses at Udemy, the audio and video lessons at Portuguesepod101.com, and the Portuguese Interlinear book (with English translations below the Portuguese text)

22. Portuguese Work and School

Work and school vocabulary in Portuguese:

doctor médico history história
dentist dentista math matemática
lawyer advogado algebra álgebra
professor/teacher professor geometry geometria
engineer engenheiro science ciência
architect arquiteto physics física
writer escritor chemistry química
journalist jornalista zoology zoologia
musician músico botany botânica
painter pintor geography geografia
pharmacist farmacêutico music música
banker bancário art arte
carpenter carpinteiro drawing desenho
barber barbeiro painting pintura
mechanic mecânico linguistics lingüística
salesman vendedor languages línguas / idiomas
electrician eletricista
postman carteiro
policeman policial
soldier soldado
pilot piloto
secretary secretária
typist digitador
nurse enfermeira

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