Buy German Language Tutorial as a PDF e-book! German Language Tutorial includes a vocabulary and grammar review of the German language, with German realia photos taken in Germany and Austria so you can see how the language is used in real life. The PDF e-book and 127 mp3s recorded by two native speakers (most of which are not online) are available for immediate download with FREE lifetime updates. Thank you for supporting! Download the first ten pages of German Language Tutorial (including the table of contents).
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Parents | die Eltern | Relative | der Verwandte (-n) |
Mother | die Mutter (ü) | Man | der Mann (ä, -er) |
Father | der Vater (ä) | Sir / Mister | der Herr (-en) |
Son | der Sohn (ö, -e) | Woman / Ma'am / Mrs. / Ms. | die Frau (-en) |
Daughter | die Tochter (ö) | Husband | der Ehemann (ä, -er) |
Brother | der Bruder (ü) | Wife | die Ehefrau (-en) |
Sister | die Schwester (-n) | Boy | der Junge (-n) |
Grandparents | die Großeltern | Girl | das Mädchen (-) |
Grandfather | der Großvater (ä) | Grandpa | der Opa (-s) |
Grandmother | die Großmutter (ü) | Grandma | die Oma (-s) |
Grandchildren | die Enkelkinder | Dad | der Vati |
Grandson | der Enkel (-) | Mom | die Mutti |
Granddaughter | die Enkelin (-nen) | Friend (m) | der Freund (-e) |
Niece | die Nichte (-n) | Friend (f) | die Freundin (-nen) |
Nephew | der Neffe (-n) | Partner / Significant Other (m) | der Partner (-) |
Cousin (m) | der Vetter (-n) | Partner / Significant Other (f) | die Partnerin (-nen) |
Cousin (f) | die Kusine (-n) | Marital Status | der Familienstand |
Uncle | der Onkel (-) | Single | ledig |
Aunt | die Tante (-n) | Married | verheiratet |
Siblings | die Geschwister | Divorced | geschieden |
Baby | das Baby (-s) | Male | männlich |
Godfather | der Pate (-n) | Female | weiblich |
Godmother | die Patin (-nen) | Child | das Kind (-er) |
Step- | der/die Stief- | Toddler | das Kleinkind (-er) |
-in-law | der/die Schwieger- | Teenager | der Teenager (-) |
Brother-in-law | der Schwager (ä) | Adult | der Erwachsene (-n) |
Sister-in-law | die Schwägerin (-nen) |
Twin | der Zwilling (-e) |
The letters in parentheses indicate the plural form of the noun. Notice
that sometimes an umlaut is placed over the main vowel of the word in
the plural. For example, der Mann is singular (the man)
and die Männer is plural (the men). For step- and
-in-law relations, just add Stief- or Schwieger- before the main person, except in the case of brother-in-law and sister-in-law
noted above. The plurals follow the pattern for the main person, i.e. die Schwiegermutter (singular) and die Schwiegermütter (plural)
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