French Slang Words for Body and Health

Learn slang words in French related to body parts and health

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Learn some informal and slang words for parts of the body and talking about health in French, with audio recording by a native speaker.

Learn informal French language and slang vocabulary with authentic audio recordings by native speakers of French from France - Buy Informal and Spoken French as an e-book! Informal and Spoken French includes more than 200 pages of informal speech, slang vocabulary, spontaneous listening resources with transcripts and exercises, and authentic French-language realia images from Europe. This e-book also comes with 91 mp3s recorded by several native speakers and FREE lifetime updates. Download a sample of Informal and Spoken French (including the table of contents). The companion e-book, French Language Tutorial, is also available. Buy the two French e-books together at a discounted price!

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For more French learning through authentic videos, I recommend Yabla French and FluentU. For audiobooks and lessons of modern French, try French Today. I've recommended some French books at Amazon, and Interlinear books are great for learning French by reading literal translations in English. Need even more French? Try the French courses at Udemy

Body and Health Slang Words Exercises

babines (f) - lips
barbouze (f) - beard
bide / bidon (m) - belly
→ Mon chat a un bide énorme ! My cat has a huge belly!
caillou / ciboulot (m) - head
carcasse (f) - body
couille / roubignole (f) - testicle
esgourdes (f) - ears
gueule (f) / bec (m) - mouth
Ferme ta gueule ! Shut up!
jambons / gigots (m) - thighs
mirettes (f) - eyes
nichons (m) - breasts
palpitant / battant (m) - heart
paluche / pince (f) - hand
panard / ripaton (m) - foot
patte / gambette / guibole / quille (f) - leg
pif / blair (m) - nose
riquiqui (m) - pinkie finger
tifs (m) - hair
tignasse (f) - mop of hair
→ J’ai une tignasse frisée qui m’arrive en bas du dos. I have curly hair that goes all the way down my back.
tronche (f) - face, head

se casser la gueule - to break one's neck
passer sur le billard - to have an operation
avoir la pêche / la patate - to be on top of the world, to feel good
avoir mal au cœur - to feel nauseated / to feel like vomiting
gerber / dégueuler - to puke
crever / clamser - to die (figuratively), to "croak"
avoir mauvaise / bonne mine - to look bad / good
être maigre comme un clou - to be really skinny
attraper la crève - to catch a terrible cold
tomber dans les pommes / les vapes - to pass out
requinquer - to perk up
se débarbouiller - to wash your face
à l'article de la mort - at death's door
bien roulée - good body
mal fichu - sick
l'hosto [l'hôpital] - hospital



Informal French Slang with free audio and exercises


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