Italian Verb Conjugations: Essere & Avere

Italian to English flashcards from

Use the Next button to advance through the flashcards. Click the play button to listen to each verb pronounced in Italian. Make sure to repeat each verb out loud! Remember that subject pronouns are not always required in Italian, but they are included in the recordings.
io sono

I am
tu sei

you are (informal singular)
lui è

he is
noi siamo

we are
voi siete

you are (informal plural)
loro sono

they are
io ero

I was
tu eri

you were (informal singular)
lui era

he was
noi eravamo

we were
voi eravate

you were (informal plural)
loro erano

they were
io sarò

I will be
tu sarai

you will be (informal singular)
lui sarà

he will be
noi saremo

we will be
voi sarete

you will be (informal plural)
loro saranno

they will be
io ho

I have
tu hai

you have (informal singular)
lui ha

he has
noi abbiamo

we have
voi avete

you have (informal plural)
loro hanno

they have
io avevo

I had
tu avevi

you had (informal singular)
lui aveva

he had
noi avevamo

we had
voi avevate

you had (informal plural)
loro avevano

they had
io avrò

I will have
tu avrai

you will have (informal singular)
lui avrà

he will have
noi avremo

we will have
voi avrete

you will have (informal plural)
loro avranno

they will have


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