Basic Phrases in Danish

Learn some Danish phrases, with pronunciation

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Need more Danish? Try the Danish for Beginners course at Udemy or the audio and video lessons at

Basic Danish Phrases

God morgen Hej / Goddag
Goodmorning Hello / Good day
God aften  Godnat
Good Evening Good Night
Farvel Bede om / Vær sød
Goodbye Please
(Mange) Tak Det var så lidt / Selv tak
Thank you (very much) Don't mention it / You're welcome
Ja/Nej Herre (Hr.) / Fru / Frøken (Frk.)
Yes/No Mister / Misses / Miss
Hvordan går det? Hvordan har du det?
How are you? How are you? (How are you feeling?)
Godt / Fint Ikke så godt
Good / Fine Not so good
Hvad hedder du? Jeg hedder…
What's your name? I am called…
Mit navn er… Hyggeligt at møde dig!
My name is… Pleased to meet you!
Hvor er du fra? Jeg er fra… 
Where are you from? I'm from…
Hvor bor du? Jeg bor i…
Where do you live? I live in…
Hvor gammel er du? Jeg er __ år (gammel)
How old are you? I am __ years old
Taler du dansk? Jeg taler (ikke) engelsk
Do you speak Danish? I don't speak English
svensk, norsk, fransk, italiensk, spansk, tysk, hollandsk, russisk, japansk
Swedish, Norwegian, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Dutch, Russian, Japanese
Ja, en lille smule Nej, slet ikke
Yes, a little bit No, not at all
Jeg forstår (ikke) Jeg ved det (ikke)
I (don't) understand I (don't) know
Undskyld  Ha' det godt!
Excuse me / Pardon me Take care!
Vi ses senere / snart Hej / Hej hej
See you later / soon Hi / Bye
Jeg elsker dig Jeg savner dig
I love you I miss you
If you are interested in learning Swedish, Norwegian and Danish together, here is a video of some basic phrases in the three languages. Notice that vær så venlig is another way to say please in Danish.

Danish Phrases, Vocabulary, and Grammar with free audio


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If you enjoy the tutorials, then please consider buying French, Informal French, Italian, Spanish, German, Swedish, or Dutch Language Tutorials as a PDF e-book with free mp3s and free lifetime updates.

Buy French Tutorial

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Both French e-books

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