Category Archives: Teaching English & Other Languages

Teach English at French Universities 2022-2023

Teach English at French Universities 2022-2023

Welcome to the 2022-2023 list of English lecteur / lectrice and maître de langue positions at French universities!

If you have finished at least one year of a Master’s degree, you may be eligible to apply to teach English at the university level in France. Please read through the English lecteur / lectrice information. If your university has a job listing to advertise, feel free to e-mail me at

Open lecteur/lectrice/maître de langue positions for the 2022-2023 academic year (earliest deadline dates first)

Maître de langues position University of Angers – september 2022 to 2023

The University of Angers is looking for a Maître de Langues in English, for its Law and Business department for the academic year 2022-2023.

To apply you need to be either a native speaker of English or have a native speaker command of the language, speak decent French, and preferably some form of training in Law, or at least have a keen interest in judicial issues, to apply for this position.

You will be required to teach across the range from L1 to M2 and be in charge of developing all or part of the course material. Past experience of teaching English as a foreign language and course development is therefore greatly appreciated.

The statutory hours for the position is 192 hours per annum, to which 192 of overtime hours are usually added

The contract is for 1 year, and can be renewed once.

To apply send your CV and cover letter to and AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, as the entire application procedure must be carried out throughout April.

La Faculté de Médecine de Montpellier/Nîmes recrute actuellement deux lecteurs d’anglais ayant un très bon niveau de français ayant de préférence de l’expérience en tant qu’enseignant. Niveau Master (Master’s Degree) exigé. Il s’agit d’enseigner de l’anglais spécialisé (Médecine, Orthophonie, Orthoptie…) et notamment la lecture d’un article médical.

Les recrutements sont ouverts sur le site CAMPEC jusqu’au 18/4/22.

L’antenne de Beauvais de l’Université de Picardie Jules Verne recherche un maître ou une maîtresse de langue pour l’année universitaire 2022-2023 afin d’assurer des cours de civilisation et de langue anglaise auprès des étudiants de sa filière LEA et LLCER. Ce contrat peut être reconduit un an. Les conditions requises pour une candidature sont les suivantes:

–avoir un diplôme français ou étranger d’un niveau équivalent à celui du diplôme national de master.

–n’avoir jamais enseigné en tant que lecteur ou maître de langues dans une université

— être de langue maternelle anglaise ou pratiquer l’anglais à l’égal de la langue maternelle.

–avoir une bonne connaissance de la langue française, écrite et orale.

Le service est de 192h à l’année et peut être regroupé sur trois jours. Il comprend des cours de labo (compréhension/expression orale), thèmes, communication en milieu professionnel, et/ou des TDs de civilisation britannique et américaines, dont le contenu sera fourni.  Il est souhaitable que les candidat.e.s possèdent une expérience de l’enseignement de la langue anglaise (des compétences en phonétique/phonologie sont plus que bienvenues) et des compétences ou connaissances en institutions britanniques actuelles et/ou l’histoire des États-Unis. Il est possible pour la personne recrutée d’effectuer des heures supplémentaires dans la filière LEA et LLCER de l’Antenne, Le service comprend les tâches liées à l’activité d’enseignement, notamment la préparation, la surveillance et la correction des contrôles de connaissance et examens. Le salaire net par mois est d’environ 1 500 euros, de septembre à août. Merci de diffuser cette information. Les candidatures (curriculum vitae et lettre de candidature en format .doc ou .pdf) peuvent être envoyées au plus tard le 22 avril 2022 aux deux adresses suivantes: Nadia Malinovich Aurélie Villers

Other Options to Teach English Abroad

If you are not qualified to teach at the university level, consider the Teaching Assistant Program in France to teach in the French public school system. The contract is shorter and the pay is less, but it is good experience if you plan to move up to teaching at the university level later on. Deadlines are from December to March, depending on your nationality. There are also other opportunities to teach English in Europe or Latin America if you would like to teach in other countries.

If you are an American citizen with a Master’s degree in TESOL/linguistics, you can also apply to the English Language Fellow Program to teach English overseas for 10 months. The locations change every year, but there are many options available and the stipend is $30,000.

Teach English at French Universities 2020-2021

Teach English at French Universities 2020-2021

Welcome to the 2020-2021 list of English lecteur / lectrice and maître de langue positions at French universities!

If you have finished at least one year of a Master’s degree, you may be eligible to apply to teach English at the university level in France. Please read through the English lecteur / lectrice information and check out the 2019-2020 job listings to get an idea of when most deadlines are and which universities were hiring. I’ll continue to add new job listings to this post as I receive them, so be sure to check back often. If your university has a job listing to advertise, feel free to e-mail me at

Open lecteur/lectrice/maître de langue positions for the 2020-2021 academic year (earliest deadline dates first)

No open positions


Deadlines Already Passed:

The Université de Picardie Jules Verne in Amiens is hiring an English lecteur/lectrice to start in September 2020. Deadline is 15 May, 2020. Please download the following PDF for details. In the current circumstances, candidates should submit their applications via email to

Picardie Jules Verne Lecteur Position 2020-2021

Nantes University is recruiting for a last-minute vacancy as 2020-21 lecteur/lectrice for the Languages department (students specialising in either Business and Languages or general English studies), to complete our team of seven lecteurs/lectrices. To be eligible, you must have completed at least one year of a Master’s Degree, be a native English speaker, preferably with some teaching or other work experience. You need to be dynamic, enjoy working in a team, and be keen to share your culture and interests with others. To apply, please send a CV and cover letter in English, plus either a reference or the contact details of a referee, to by May 20th 2020.

L’Université Lyon 1 – composante INSPE – recrute un.e lecteur.trice d’anglais pour l’année 2020-2021. Dépôt des candidatures du 05 au 26 mai 2020.

PUBLICS : candidat.e est recruté.e pour intervenir au sein de l’Inspé, composante de l’Université Claude Bernard-Lyon 1, auprès des étudiant.e.s des Masters MEEF (enseignement, éducation et formation) premier et second degrés. 

–      sera un.e locuteur.rice de langue anglaise (Royaume-Uni, Etats-Unis, Canada anglophone, Irlande, Australie, Afrique du Sud, Nouvelle-Zélande)
–      devra justifier d’un titre ou diplôme étranger d’un niveau minimum équivalent à celui d’une année après la Licence (décret n° 87-754 du 14 sept 1987 modifié par Décret n°2013-310 du 11 avril 2013).
–      maîtrisera les outils récents des techniques de l’information et de la communication dans l’enseignement, tels que l’audiovisuel, le multimédia, internet, le courrier électronique, les forums en ligne etc.
Ce poste suppose les qualités suivantes :
–         dynamisme, ouverture d’esprit
–         capacité à entraîner et motiver des groupes d’apprenants
–         assiduité et ponctualité
–         des intérêts culturels variés
–         un bon niveau de français pour pouvoir établir de bonnes relations avec les étudiant.e.s et les personnels de l’Inspé
Une expérience d’enseignement sera appréciée, notamment dans le domaine de la formation d’adultes en langue étrangère.
·       Assurer des cours de langue dans le cadre des Masters en référence au CECRL (Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les Langues : Apprendre, Enseigner, Evaluer. Conseil de l’Europe, 2000)
·       Contribuer le cas échéant à la formation en langue des personnels de l’INSPE
·       Participer aux réunions de concertation de l’équipe des formateurs.trices, et contribuer à la production d’outils ou de supports d’enseignement
Le volume horaire annuel à assurer à l’INSPE est de 300h ETP (ou 200h ETD)
LOCALISATION : candidat.e pourra être appelé.e à intervenir sur l’ensemble des différents sites de l’INSPE (Ain : Bourg-en-Bresse, Loire : St Etienne, Rhône : Croix-Rousse à Lyon).
Le dossier de candidature, constitué d’une lettre de motivation, d’un curriculum vitae, et d’une copie des diplômes obtenus, sera adressé par voie électronique le mardi 26 mai 2020 dernier délai aux adresses suivantes : ;
Pour tous renseignements complémentaires concernant le profil, s’adresser à Mme Angeline DURAND VALLOT :

Le département d’études anglophones de l’Université de Poitiers recherche pour l’année universitaire 2020-2021 un lecteur ou une lectrice de langue maternelle anglaise. Cette personne devra être originaire de l’Union Européenne, ou sinon, résider déjà en France et disposer d’un titre de séjour en règle pour le début du contrat.

Personnes à contacter:
Nicolas VIDEAU:
Marc FRYD:

La Faculté des Sciences et Technologies à Vandoeuvre lès Nancy (Université de Lorraine) is hiring a lecteur d’anglais for 2020-2021. Deadline to apply is March 25, 2020. Please download the following PDF for details:

Lorraine Lecteur Position 2020-2021

INSA Hauts-de-France Engineering School in Valenciennes (formerly ENSIAME) is hiring an English lecteur/lectrice for September 2020 to June 2021. Deadline to apply is March 30, 2020. Please download the following PDF for details:

INSA Hauts-de-France Lecteur Position 2020-2021

The Université Polytechnique des Hauts-de-France (Faculty of Science and Technology) in Valenciennes is looking for an English-language Lecteur/Lectrice for the academic year 2020-2021. Deadline to apply is March 31, 2020. Please download the following PDF for details:

Hauts-de-France Lecteur Position 2020-2021

L’antenne de Beauvais de l’Université de Picardie Jules Verne recherche un maître de langue anglaise pour l’année universitaire 2020-2021 afin d’assurer des cours de civilisation et de langue anglaise auprès des étudiants de sa filière LEA et LLCER. Ce contrat peut être reconduit un an. Les conditions requises pour une candidature sont les suivantes: 

–avoir un diplôme français ou étranger d’un niveau équivalent à celui du diplôme national de master. 
–n’avoir jamais enseigné en tant que lecteur ou maître de langues dans une université 
– être de langue maternelle anglaise ou pratiquer l’anglais à l’égal de la langue maternelle. 
–avoir une bonne connaissance de la langue française, écrite et orale. 

Le service est de 192h à l’année et peut être regroupé sur trois jours. Il comprend des cours de laboratoire, expression, et communication en milieu professionnel, ainsi que des TD de civilisation britannique, dont le contenu sera fourni. Il est souhaitable que le candidat possède une expérience de l’enseignement de la langue anglaise (des compétences en phonétique/phonologie sont plus que bienvenues) et des compétences ou connaissances en institutions britanniques actuelles. Il est possible pour le candidat d’effectuer des heures supplémentaires dans la filière LEA et LLCER ainsi que dans les autres filières de l’antenne. Le service comprend les tâches liées à l’activité d’enseignement, notamment la préparation, la surveillance et la correction des contrôles de connaissance et examens. Le salaire net par mois est d’environ 1 500 euros, de septembre à août. Merci de diffuser cette information. Les candidatures (curriculum vitae et lettre de candidature en format .doc ou .pdf) peuvent être envoyées au plus tard le 1 avril 2020 aux deux adresses suivantes: Nadia Malinovich Aurélie Villers

Due to a last-minute vacancy, ENSIM Engineering School at Le Mans University is hiring a lectrice/lecteur d’anglais for 2020-2021. As an excellent mastery of English is essential for their future careers, our students are highly motivated and eager to improve their language skills. Applicants should have completed at least one year of a Master’s Degree and be native English speakers, preferably with some teaching or other work experience.  To apply, please send a CV and cover letter to

Other Options to Teach English Abroad

If you are not qualified to teach at the university level, consider the Teaching Assistant Program in France to teach in the French public school system. The contract is shorter and the pay is less, but it is good experience if you plan to move up to teaching at the university level later on. Deadlines are from December to March, depending on your nationality. There are also other opportunities to teach English in Europe or Latin America if you would like to teach in other countries.

If you are an American citizen with a Master’s degree in TESOL/linguistics, you can also apply to the English Language Fellow Program to teach English overseas for 10 months. The locations change every year, but there are many options available and the stipend is $30,000.

Teach English at French universities with lecteur or lectrice d'anglais and maitre de langue positions

English Teaching Positions at French Universities 2019-2020

Welcome to the 2019-2020 list of English lecteur / lectrice and maître de langue positions at French universities!

Update: The 2020-2021 job listings are now available!

If you have finished at least one year of a Master’s degree, you may be eligible to apply to teach English at the university level in France. Please read through the English lecteur / lectrice information and check out last year’s job listings to get an idea of when most deadlines are and which universities were hiring. I’ll continue to add new job listings to this post as I receive them, so be sure to check back often. If your university has a job listing to advertise, feel free to e-mail me at

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Lecteurs/lectrices work up to 300 hours of travaux pratiques (TP) per year, or possibly up to 100 hours of travaux dirigés (TD). TP is generally labs/workshops/testing or other classes that require very little preparation, while TD refers to actual lectures, which obviously require more preparation. For lecteur/lectrice positions, you should not be asked to work more than 100 TD hours per year. Maîtres de langue work 288 hours of TP or 192 hours of TD.  Some universities have been hiring lecteurs and forcing them to work 200 TD hours so they only have to pay the lecteur salary instead of the maître de langue salary. In January 2014, Heike Romoth published an article in SNESUP (bottom of page 17 in the PDF) criticizing this illegal practice. The official décret states that “Les lecteurs de langue étrangère assurent un service annuel en présence des étudiants de 300 heures de travaux pratiques. Leur service peut comporter des travaux dirigés sans que leur nombre d’heures annuelles de travaux dirigés puisse être supérieur à 100.”  If you are hired as a lecteur/lectrice, please make sure the university is not exploiting you by making you do more work for less pay. This has been a problem mostly at universities in and around Paris. Read this comment from a former lecteur on how they handled this particular problem.

Positions already filled / deadlines have passed

Updated July 4:

If anyone’s still looking for a lecteur post at the Faculté des Sciences et Technologies (FST) in Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy in Lorraine, send me your cv+cover letter EN FRANCAIS as quickly as possible – our returning lectrice has got a post as a doctoral candidate and can’t do her second year. 

Please send to me as soon as you can!

There’s also a post for a contractuel for 1 year up for grabs. If you have working papers already you can apply for the contractuel post or the lecteur post. If you don’t then only the lecteur post is open to you.

The University of Lorraine in Nancy is hiring one lecteur/lectrice d’anglais to begin September 1, 2019. Send lettre de motivation and CV in French, copies of diplomas, and a letter of recommendation (in French or English) to by May 10, 2019.

The University of Toulon is hiring one lecteur/lectrice and one maître de langue to begin September 1, 2019 within UFR Lettres, Langues et Sciences Humaines. Deadline to apply is May 14, 2019.

The University of Angers is looking for a Maître de Langue in English, for its Law department. Start date: September 1st 2019. You need to be either a native speaker of English or have a near-native command of the language, speak decent French, and preferably have a Master’s Degree (or some other form of training) in Law, or at least have a keen interest in judicial issues, to apply for this position. You will be required to teach across the range from L1 to M2 and be in charge of developing all or part of the course material. Past experience of course development is therefore greatly appreciated.

To apply send your CV and cover letter to and / or before May 26th 2019. Please feel free to pass the word if you know of anyone who might be interested.

Nantes University is recruiting lecteurs/lectrices for both the Languages department in Nantes (students specialising in Business or general English studies) and for the La Roche sur Yon campus (students specialising in Business, Law or Hospitality). To apply for either or both positions, please send a CV and cover letter in English, plus the contact details of a referee, to by March 22nd 2019.

La Faculté de Médecine Montpellier-Nîmes recrute actuellement des anglophones ayant un niveau Master 1 (validation d’une année post-licence) pour un poste de lecteur pour l’année universitaire 2019-20 avec un contrat de 12 mois à partir du 1/10/19.  300 heures d’enseignement (TP) par année universitaire. Le profil de ce poste nécessite un bon niveau de français. 

Envoyer un CV et une lettre de motivation (les deux documents en français et en anglais) par email à :

The Université de Picardie Jules Verne at Beauvais is hiring one maître de langue to begin in September 2019. Deadline to apply is March 15, 2019.

The Université d’Angers was hiring one lecteur/lectrice d’anglais to teach students at both Bachelor and Master levels, mostly in Tourism studies. Deadline to apply was January 31 (but position was filled before this date.)

Other Options to Teach English Abroad

If you are not qualified to teach at the university level, consider the Teaching Assistant Program in France to teach in the French public school system. The contract is shorter and the pay is less, but it is good experience if you plan to move up to teaching at the university level later on. Deadlines are from December to March, depending on your nationality. There are also other opportunities to teach English in Europe or Latin America if you would like to teach in other countries.

If you are an American citizen with a Master’s degree in TESOL/linguistics, you can also apply to the English Language Fellow Program to teach English overseas for 10 months. The locations change every year, but there are many options available and the stipend is $30,000.

English Lecteur Jobs in France for 2018

English Lecteur Positions at French Universities 2018-2019

Welcome to the 2018-2019 list of English lecteur / lectrice and maître de langue positions at French universities!

Looking for 2019-2020 job listings?

If you have finished at least one year of a Master’s degree, you may be eligible to apply to teach English at the university level in France. Please read through the English lecteur / lectrice information and check out last year’s job listings to get an idea of when most deadlines are and which universities were hiring. I’ll continue to add new job listings to this post as I receive them, so be sure to check back often and follow ielanguages on Twitter where I always tweet the new job listings. If your university has a job listing to advertise, feel free to tweet me or e-mail me at

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Lecteurs/lectrices work up to 300 hours of travaux pratiques (TP) per year, or possibly up to 100 hours of travaux dirigés (TD). TP is generally labs/workshops/testing or other classes that require very little preparation, while TD refers to actual lectures, which obviously require more preparation. For lecteur/lectrice positions, you should not be asked to work more than 100 TD hours per year. Maîtres de langue work 288 hours of TP or 192 hours of TD.  Some universities have been hiring lecteurs and forcing them to work 200 TD hours so they only have to pay the lecteur salary instead of the maître de langue salary. In January 2014, Heike Romoth published an article in SNESUP (bottom of page 17 in the PDF) criticizing this illegal practice. The official décret states that “Les lecteurs de langue étrangère assurent un service annuel en présence des étudiants de 300 heures de travaux pratiques. Leur service peut comporter des travaux dirigés sans que leur nombre d’heures annuelles de travaux dirigés puisse être supérieur à 100.”  If you are hired as a lecteur/lectrice, please make sure the university is not exploiting you by making you do more work for less pay. This has been a problem mostly at universities in and around Paris. Read this comment from a former lecteur on how they handled this particular problem.

Open lecteur positions for 2018-2019:

Le PEARL (Pôle d’Enseignement, d’Autoformation et de Recherche en Langues) at the Université de Lorraine in Nancy is hiring an English lecteur/lectrice; re-posted June 28 – please apply as soon as possible [download PDF]

Deadline already passed:

L’École Normale Supérieure de Lyon is hiring four English lecteurs/lectrices; deadline March 1, 2018 [download PDF]

L’École supérieure d’ingénieurs de Reims (ESIReims) is hiring an English lecteur/lectrice for a two-year contract (2018-2020); deadline March 5, 2018 [visit website for application instructions]

L’Université Bordeaux Montaigne is hiring an English lecteur/lectrice; deadline March 8, 2018 [visit website for forms(The website does not currently include English, but there is a PDF announcing the English position.)

L’Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3 is hiring several English lecteurs/lectrices and a maître de langue; deadline March 12, 2018 for lecteur positions. (Only the lecteur application has been updated with the correct dates. Last year’s deadline for the maître de langue position was March 6, 2017.) [visit website for forms]

L’Université de Valenciennes is hiring 1 or 2 English lecteurs/lectrices in the Faculty of Science and Technology; must already have right to work in France; deadline March 15, 2018 [download PDF]

The La Roche-sur-Yon campus of the Université de Nantes is hiring an English lecteur/lectrice; deadline is March 22, 2018 [download PDF]

The ENSIAME Engineering school at the Université de Valenciennes is hiring an English lecteur/lectrice; deadline is March 30, 2018  [download PDF]

The Faculté des Sciences et Technologies à Vandoeuvre lès Nancy at the Université de Lorraine is hiring an English lecteur/lectrice; deadline is April 6, 2018  [download PDF]

L’Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale (ULCO), Boulogne-sur-Mer, France has one vacancy for a position of “Lecteur/Lectrice” (entry level teaching position) at the Département de Langues et Langues Appliquées for a 1-year (renewable) contract starting September 1st, 2018 and ending August 31st, 2019. Deadline: April 10, 2018 [download PDF]

L’UFR Sciences et Technologie de l’UPEC (Université Paris Est Créteil) recrute un maître de langue anglaise sur un poste susceptible d’être vacant pour l’année universitaire 2018-2019 (poste renouvelable une fois) afin d’assurer des TD d’anglais auprès des étudiants du L1 au M2. Les conditions requises pour une candidature sont les suivantes:

  • être titulaire d’une thèse de 3ème cycle ou PhD / être inscrit en thèse ou être titulaire d’un Master 2 au moment de la demande.
  • être de langue maternelle anglaise
  • maîtriser la langue française

Le service est de 192h à l’année.  Le salaire est de 2012 euros bruts mensuels. Les candidatures doivent inclure les documents suivants :

  • curriculum vitae,
  • lettre de motivation,
  • papiers d’identité,
  • copie du dernier diplôme obtenu
  • attestation de l’établissement justifiant le nombre d’années d’études sanctionnées par le dernier diplôme obtenu (ce dernier document peut être fourni ultérieurement)

et être envoyées par e-mail au plus tard le mercredi 2 mai 2018 à 17h. Les entretiens seront organisés le vendredi 4 mai 2018 au matin.

Bernard FROUIN
UFR Sciences et Technologie – UPEC

La Faculté de Médecine Montpellier-Nîmes recrute actuellement des anglophones ayant un niveau Master 1 (validation d’une année post-licence) pour un poste de lecteur pour l’année universitaire 2018-19 avec un contrat de 12 mois, éventuellement renouvelable une fois seulement. 300 heures d’enseignement (TP) par année universitaire, avec la possibilité d’heures d’enseignement supplémentaires.

Envoyer un CV avant le 15/5/18 à l’adresse suivante :

75 Rue Professeurs Truc

Ou par email :

From the Comments: “A colleague at the IUT at Paris 5 has let me know that they are looking to hire a lecteur for next year. The deadline is May 23. If you’re interested, send a CV and cover letter to Marie-Annick Mattioli (”

The IUT de Sceaux (equivalent of a Technical College of Higher Education) is recruiting a lecteur/lectrice d’anglais for the 2018/2019 academic year (September to June). The position can be renewed for a second year.

The IUT de Sceaux caters for students doing courses majoring in Commerce and Financial Management, so the classes are oriented towards business English. Other activities include preparing students for oral exams (business schools) or international certificates (TOEIC, for example).

Working conditions are good: class sizes are generally up to 18 students, all classrooms are equipped with audio-visual equipment. There are language laboratories and a multimedia room available for use. Many English-teaching textbooks are at your disposal.

Teaching hours: 200 annually, on average approx. 14 per week from mid-September to mid-April. Plus the possibility of doing extra hours, paid as overtime @ approx..€40 gross/hour. No classes during the university holiday periods.

Monthly salary: Approx. €1200 net, September 2018 to August 2019.


Applicants must:

have a native-like or bi-lingual level of English (C2 level +)
have a university degree at BA Honours level or higher (i.e. a 4-year degree, comprising 240 ECTS)
already have valid working papers for France or have an EU nationality

Applicants will preferably:

have already had significant experience in teaching (business) English to students or to adults
have a good knowledge of French and of the French university system

To apply, send your application (CV and letter in English) by email to:-

Kevin Diamond

Coordinateur des langues
IUT de Sceaux

Deadline : May 27 2018.

Candidates shortlisted for interview will be contacted a few days after the deadline.

Université de Perpignan-Via Domitia: In 2018/19, we are hiring a European native speaker of English who will work alongside our non-European lectrice who is staying on for a second year. Applicants should hold an MA (or similar) in Humanities, and should be fluent in French. They should be competent to describe the English language precisely in grammatical and in phonological terms and to use and teach the IPA for English. The position involves teaching duties and administrative tasks such as forming class groups and processing the students’ assessment results, as well as organizing extracurricular activities and administering an English club, “l’Assoc des anglicistes” (FB Assoc des anglicistes Perpignan).

Contracts are for 12 months 1 Oct-30 Sep., but in practice lecteurs/lectrices are requested to be available from late August to early July. Contracts may be extended for a second year and the Department encourages assistants to stay for two years. Staff must be available for the two 12-week teaching periods (early September to early May) and during revision, examination and board of examinations periods. The pay is 1200 € per month net and the workload is 300 teaching hours per year, plus about half a day a week to be devoted to organizing and attending extracurricular student activities with the Assoc des anglicistes. The Department’s two language assistants (one European and one non-European) are encouraged to work together, both in teaching and administrative duties and in club activities. These can be adapted to each assistant’s talents and include taking on an administrative function in the Association des anglicistes together with student members and organizing activities (“Pub Quiz” nights, conversation sessions, etc.; see FB.)

The lecteurs mainly teach oral classes and organize language laboratory sessions in the Centre de langues (, but may teach other classes, e.g. Translation or Writing skills, depending on needs and their personal qualifications. The workload is defined by the English department but a large part of the teaching is done for the Département de Langues Etrangères Appliquées (LEA), and occasionally for other departments such as History.
A lecteur / lectrice wishing to take another job must obtain permission from the University’s Human Resources office. There is no problem with this over the summer period, which is paid as in the rest of the year. For more information, please contact Dr Hélène Guillaume, Applications (CV in English, cover letter in French) should be sent jointly by 31st May 2018 to:

Mme Isabelle CASES,,  Directrice, Département des Etudes Anglophones
Université de Perpignan – Via Domitia, Faculté des Lettres, Batiment Y
52 avenue Paul Alduy, 66860 PERPIGNAN, France

L’ESPE de l’Académie de Lyon recrute un.e lecteur.trice d’anglais pour la rentrée 2018-19

Le profil et toutes les informations nécessaires se trouvent ici :

Attention, délai court : 1er juin

The IUT of Rennes, Brittany is looking for a “lecteur ou lectrice d’anglais” for next September. This teaching position is open to native English speakers who have a Master’s Degree (Master 1).

This job offer is for a young man or woman who is interested in leading conversation classes with small groups of first and second year engineering students in the four following departments (all located on the same premises): civil, electrical, mechanical engineering and chemistry.

The contract is for one year, renewable once, for 300 teaching hours spread out between school holidays but the applicants will have to be ready to accept extra hours, all paid of course. The salary is paid monthly from September 1st 2018 until August 31st 2019.

If you would like to apply for this job, please send your CV, your cover letter and a copy of your ID to

The deadline for applying is June 7th. The interviews will take place on June 25th/26th.

Poste de lecteur vacant au département d’anglais de l’Université d’Angers. Les dossiers de candidature (CV, lettre de motivation et diplômes) sont à adresser avant le 25 juin 2018 à :

Taïna Tuhkunen, responsable des relations internationales du département d’anglais de l’UA (, et à Marc Jeannin, directeur du département d’Etudes Anglophones (

English Teaching Assistant position at Le Mans University, France, beginning first week of September 2018 until late June 2019 (work contract ending August 31, 2019). Possibility of renewal for another academic year. (no deadline given)

· Must have a status of a graduate student as of Fall 2018.

· Must speak French at intermediate or advanced level to communicate with coworkers and with some students

· Must be able to work independently; some experience teaching English would be preferable as would be cross-cultural skills

· Must commit for the entire period of the contract (one year minimum)

· Job Responsibilities:

English Conversation Workshop, English Tutoring, Evening English classes for a total or 13 hours per week spread out Monday-Friday

Independent lesson planning and teaching; planning and execution of games and activities

Integration of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills

· Salary equivalent to about $1,400/£900 per month (paid through the summer even though you are not working)

· Opportunity to meet people and make friends from all different cultures and backgrounds

· Opportunity to improve proficiency in French and immerse in French culture

· Free weekends and several paid vacations allow for flexibility to travel (Paris is 1.5 hours away by train). France has affordable trains so that you can go anywhere fairly easily

· With the entire summer off work, but paid, you are free to stay in France/Europe until the end of August

· Le Mans is an easy city to get around with ample affordable public transportation.

· Plenty of shopping, bars, restaurants, cinemas, cafés in the city center with a convenient tramway service from campus

L’Université de Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV) is hiring three English lecteurs/lectrices. Send cover letter and CV (with nationality included) to emmanuelle.durieux [at] (no deadline given)

Other Options to Teach English Abroad

If you are not qualified to teach at the university level, consider the Teaching Assistant Program in France to teach in the French public school system. The contract is shorter and the pay is less, but it is good experience if you plan to move up to teaching at the university level later on. Deadlines are from December to March, depending on your nationality. There are also other opportunities to teach English in Europe or Latin America if you would like to teach in other countries.

If you are an American citizen with a Master’s degree in TESOL/linguistics, you can also apply to the English Language Fellow Program to teach English overseas for 10 months. The locations change every year, but there are many options available and the stipend is $30,000.

Become and English lecteur in France in 2017

English Lecteur Positions at French Universities 2017-2018

Teach English in France

Welcome to the 2017-2018 list of English lecteur / lectrice and maître de langue positions at French universities!

[This post is no longer being updated. Are you looking for 2018-2019 English teaching positions at French universities?]

Read through this previous post about these English lecteur / lectrice positions in France for more information and the education requirements.  You can also check out last year’s job listings to get an idea of when most deadlines are and which universities were hiring.

I’ll continue to add new job listings to this post as I receive them, so be sure to check back often and follow ielanguages on Twitter where I always tweet the new job listings.

If your university has a job listing to advertise, e-mail me at

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Lecteurs/lectrices work up to 300 hours of travaux pratiques (TP) per year, or possibly up to 100 hours of travaux dirigés (TD). TP is generally labs/workshops/testing or other classes that require very little preparation, while TD refers to actual lectures, which obviously require more preparation. For lecteur/lectrice positions, you should not be asked to work more than 100 TD hours per year. Maîtres de langue work 288 hours of TP or 192 hours of TD.  Some universities have been hiring lecteurs and forcing them to work 200 TD hours so they only have to pay the lecteur salary instead of the maître de langue salary. In January 2014, Heike Romoth published an article in SNESUP (bottom of page 17 in the PDF) criticizing this illegal practice. The official décret states that “Les lecteurs de langue étrangère assurent un service annuel en présence des étudiants de 300 heures de travaux pratiques. Leur service peut comporter des travaux dirigés sans que leur nombre d’heures annuelles de travaux dirigés puisse être supérieur à 100.”  If you are hired as a lecteur/lectrice, please make sure the university is not exploiting you by making you do more work for less pay. This has been a problem particularly at universities in and around Paris.


Added July 12, 2017:

L’Université de Strasbourg recrute un(e) lecteur/lectrice de langue maternelle anglaise pour l’année universitaire 2017-2018.
Les candidats doivent être titulaires d’un diplôme au moins équivalent à celui de la licence (ou Bachelor of Arts). Un niveau B2 en français est également attendu.
Les enseignements à assurer seront des cours de conversation, langue orale et expression écrite, et s’adresseront à des étudiants de niveau licence ou master. Le/ la candidat(e) retenu(e) intégrera une équipe de quatre lecteurs et assurera pendant l’année une moyenne de 8 cours par semaine.
Une rémunération de 1214 euros (revenu net) par mois est prévue.
Les candidat(e)s intéressé(e)s sont prié(e)s d’envoyer un CV et une lettre de motivation (en français ou en anglais) à Hélène Ibata ( ou Stéphane Kostantzer (


Added July 3, 2017:

Le Département des Langues de l’Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines recrute pour l’année 2017-2018 un Maître de Langues en anglais (H/F).

– Conditions requises : être de langue maternelle anglaise et titulaire au minimum d’un niveau Master 2. Des connaissances en phonétique anglaise et une expérience préalable dans le supérieur en France sont souhaitées mais non exigées.

– Cours à assurer : cours d’anglais oral en licence, LANSAD, phonétique.

Poste d’un an, renouvelable une fois.

Service annuel :192 h HETD.
Rémunération : indice brut 482, soit 1954,07 euros / mois.

Merci d’envoyer pour le 8 juillet 2017 au plus tard CV et lettre de motivation en français à :


Added July 2, 2017:

  • L’Université de Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV) à Amiens cherche un lecteur de langue anglaise pour l’année universitaire 2017-2018 titulaire d’un BA. Les candidats peuvent envoyer un CV et une lettre de motivation à cette adresse:


  • Un contrat de Maître de langue serait à pourvoir au Centre de ressources en langues de l’Université d’Evry pour dispenser des cours de type LANSAD. Contactez: Frederick Goodman –
  • [Not clear if this is same job as above listing] The Université d’Evry/member of Paris Saclay, south of Paris (35 minutes train ride from the Gare de Lyon), will probably be recruiting a maître de langue in English for September 2017. Please do not apply if you do not fulfill the following conditions:
    – must be a native/mother tongue speaker
    – teaching experience of English is important, especially at secondary school/university level
    – a Master’s degree is required
    – nationality of a European Union country is required, or if anglophone from outside Europe, residence/work papers must already be established
    Please email a letter and CV to


  • L’université Paris-Dauphine recrute pour la rentrée 2017 un lecteur en langue anglaise. Les conditions de recrutement sont les suivantes :
    • L’anglais doit être votre langue maternelle ou une langue que vous pratiquez à l’égal de votre langue maternelle
    • Vous devez justifier d’une année d’études accomplie avec succès après l’obtention d’un titre ou d’un diplôme français ou étranger d’un niveau équivalent à celui du diplôme national de licence.
    Le dossier de candidature doit comprendre :
    • Un curriculum vitae,
    • Une photocopie de votre diplôme et une traduction de votre diplôme en français
    • Une lettre de motivation,
    • Une photocopie d’une pièce d’identité avec photographie.
    Le dossier de candidature doit être transmis par mail à l’adresse suivante :


Added May 16, 2017:

The University of Angers is looking for a Maître de Langue, for its Law department. You need to speak fluent English, decent French, and have a Master’s Degree in Law to apply. Please feel free to pass the word if you know of anyone who might be interested. The ad is not on the university website yet, but you can write to me at this address:


Added May 12, 2017:

Poste de lecteur [download pdf of job description]
Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale (ULCO)

L’Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale (ULCO), Boulogne-sur-Mer, France has one vacancy for a position of “Lecteur/Lectrice” (entry level teaching position) at the Département de Langues et Langues Appliquées for a 1-year (renewable) contract starting September 1st, 2017 and ending August 31st, 2018. Aside from the holiday periods, lecteurs must be ready and willing to work throughout the duration of their contract. This teaching position is open to native English speakers who are university graduates (4 year degree or Masters) preferably in English, French, history, politics, education and/or another Arts/Humanities subject.

The lecteurs mainly teach oral classes in small groups but will also teach other classes, e.g. English for non-specialists (100h TD). The workload is defined by the Languages Department but some of the teaching is done for other departments.

Teaching experience and/or training in teaching English as a foreign language (or in teaching French) and/or working in a language centre, although not essential, would be an advantage. We are looking for independent, dynamic, flexible, positive, constructive team players. The Department’s two language assistants (one European and one non-European) are encouraged to work together, both in teaching and administrative duties and in club activities. These can be adapted to each assistant’s talents and include organizing activities (Pub Quizzes, conversation sessions, cinema club, theatre club, etc.). The lecteurs are expected to put in the necessary time to do lesson planning and marking, participating with colleagues in developing audio and multimedia resources for teaching English.

Please email a letter of application and the list of documents below including address, email, telephone number:
1) a CV in French (see model below), with a recent photograph of the candidate;
2) a detailed CV in English;
3) a French letter of application;
4) a photocopy of passport page with photo;
5) photocopy of your highest university degree;
6) letters of reference and the names, addresses, emails and phone numbers of possible referees;
7) MP3 or MP4 recording by the candidate of the following:
a) a brief presentation of the candidate in English (2-3 minutes) for the job application,
b) a brief presentation of the candidate in French (2-3 minutes) for the job application

Send the above as soon as possible preferably before 2nd June 2017 to and to

Curriculum vitae en français (modèle)
Nom patronymique:         Nom marital :
Prénom :
Date de naissance :
Lieu de naissance :
Nationalité :
Marié – célibataire – divorcé
Nombre d’enfants :
Adresse :
Tél mobile :
Tél. fixe à l’étranger :
Skype/WhatsApp :
Diplôme(s) obtenu(s) (joindre la photocopie) :
Nature : Date d’obtention :
Université :
Attestations : (Nom, qualité et adresse électronique de deux universitaires pouvant fournir une attestation sur le candidat ) :
Activités universitaires /professionnelles en 2016-2017
Expérience d’enseignement des langues vivantes :
Autres emplois occupés :
Séjours précédents en France :


[This position has been filled.] La Faculté de Médecine Montpellier-Nîmes recrute actuellement des anglophones ayant un niveau Master 1 (validation d’une année post-licence) pour un poste de lecteur pour l’année universitaire 2017-18 avec un contrat de 12 mois, éventuellement renouvelable une fois seulement.  300 heures d’enseignement (TP) par année universitaire.

Université d’Orléans is hiring a lecteur/lectrice. Deadline is May 15, 2017. [download pdf of job description]

Université Jean Monnet in Saint-Étienne is hiring a lecteur/lectrice in the Science Faculty for 2017-18. Deadline to apply is May 15, 2017. [download pdf of job description]

L’Université d’Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse recrute un lecteur au titre du décret n°87-754 du 14 septembre 1987. Les candidatures peuvent être déposées jusqu’au 5 mai 2017. Le dossier de candidature, composé d’un curriculum vitae, d’une lettre de motivation, d’une copie du diplôme le plus élevé obtenu et d’une copie d’une pièce d’identité, est à envoyer par courrier électronique à et à

Université de Perpignan-Via Domitia is hiring a non-European English lecteur/lectrice for 2017-18. Applications (CV in English, cover letter in French) should be sent jointly by 25th April, 2017 to Mme Isabelle CASES,, Directrice, Département des Etudes Anglophones Mme Hélène GUILLAUME,

L’université de Cergy-Pontoise (région parisienne) recrute pour la rentrée 2017-18 un lecteur ou une lectrice anglophone. Le dossier de candidature devra être transmis par courier électronique avant le 1er mai 2017 à,, henry.wyld@u-cergy. fr : un CV, une lettre de motivation, la photocopie d’une pièce d’identité, copie des diplômes, et lettres de recommandation (éventuellement). Des entretiens seront organisés à l’UCP en mai-juin 2017.

Université de Bordeaux is hiring four English lecteurs/lectrices. Application materials must be uploaded before April 27, 2017.

Université Clermont Auvergne (France) has one vacancy for a position of “Lecteur/Lectrice” (entry level teaching position, not to be mistaken with the English term “lecturer”) at the Hypermedia Language Centre at the Faculty of Languages, Cultures and Communication for a 1-year (renewable) contract starting September 1st, 2017 and ending August 31st, 2018. Aside from the holiday periods, lecteurs must be ready and willing to work throughout the duration of their contract.

The position involves teaching in a multimedia lab and offers a relatively rare opportunity to gain valuable experience in a developing area. The centre, which earned the European Award for Languages in 2003, aims to foster and develop students’ oral

 communication and comprehension skills in English by its unique combination of face-to-face group activities and on-computer pair work:

Contact hours average about 19-22 hours (maximum) a week during term time but work will also include tutoring students’ recorded discussions on our own software platform and working with colleagues to prepare and update multimedia lesson material, taking part in university events and fairs, writing and supervising exams, correcting and supervising resits.

The applicant should be a university graduate and a native speaker of English with training and experience in TEFL (preferably at least two years’ teaching experience). A qualification such as the CELTA would be particularly appreciated. He or she should be enthusiastic about working with ITC in a communicative approach as part of a dynamic team.

We are looking for independent, dynamic, positive, constructive team players, able to do their own lesson planning, ready to put in the necessary time it takes to do lesson planning and marking, who are flexible and who can adapt quickly to unforeseen changes in organization.

A CV, letter of reference, references and covering letter should be sent by email to:

Emily Butler,, head of the Hypermedia Language Centre.

Application deadline: Friday the 14th of April 2017.

Interviews: May 2017.

L’UFR Lansad de l’Université de Lorraine a deux postes de lecteurs anglophones à pourvoir à la prochaine rentrée de septembre.

Voici ci-dessous les modalités des postes :

Poste de lecteur d’anglais – Université de Lorraine (Nancy)
UFR LANSAD (Langues pour Spécialistes d’Autres Disciplines)

Le PEARL (Pôle d’Enseignement, d’Autoformation et de Recherche en Langues), recrute des lecteurs d’anglais (langue maternelle) pour le 1er septembre 2017.


Le candidat doit être de langue maternelle anglaise et disposer d’une bonne maîtrise de la langue française. Il doit justifier de l’obtention d’un titre ou diplôme d’un niveau Master 1. Une expérience d’enseignement préalable est appréciée mais elle n’est pas obligatoire.

Attention, les personnes ayant déjà fait 2 ans de lectorat ne sont pas éligibles pour ce poste.

Charge d’enseignement

Enseignement de la langue anglaise niveau intermédiaire et avancé. Le service du lecteur se répartit entre plusieurs structures (campus lettres et sciences humaines, campus droit-économie, ISAM-IAE, formation MIAGE de Nancy).

Il dispensera des cours de langue anglaise écrite et orale (sujets transversaux et de spécialité) ainsi que des cours de conversation et des ateliers dans nos centres de langues. Il travaillera en équipe avec des enseignants permanents et il pourra avoir à gérer certains cours en autonomie.

Le lecteur participera également à la conception des sujets de contrôle continu ou terminaux, à la surveillance des examens et à la correction des copies.

Conditions d’exercice

  • Contrat du 1er septembre 2017 au 31 août 2018.
  • Renouvelable une fois pour la même durée.
  • Charge d’enseignement de 200 heures TD et jusqu’à 100 heures complémentaires, sur une durée de 10 à 12 semaines par semestre
  • Rémunération de 1486 euros bruts/mois

Dossier de candidature

à transmettre par mail aux deux contacts ci-dessous pour le 31 mars 2017 :

– curriculum vitae
– lettre de motivation
– copie des diplômes
– lettre de recommandation

Contacts et envoi du dossier de candidature :

Carine Martin (directrice du PEARL) :
Claire Semin (responsable des lecteurs du PEARL) :

The IUT of Cachan (15 minutes from Paris on line B or the 187 bus) is looking for a “lecteur ou lectrice d’anglais”. This teaching position is open to native English speakers who have a Master’s Degree (Master 1). 

This job offer is for a young man or woman who is interested in leading conversation classes with small groups of first and second year engineering students. The contract is for one year for 300 teaching hours spread out between school holidays. The salary is paid monthly from September 1st 2017 until August 31st 2018.

If you would like to apply for this job, please send your CV and cover letter to Mme Ennezat ( who is also available for any further questions you may have.

La Faculté des Sciences et Technologies à Vandoeuvre lès Nancy at Université de Lorraine is hiring an English lecteur. Send CV and lettre de motivation in French by midnight 17 March 2017. [download pdf of job listing]

L’Université de Poitiers recrute pour 2017-2018:

– 3 lecteurs pour le CAREL à Royan —
– 1 maître de langue pour l’UFR de Pharmacie-Médecine à Poitiers —
– 1 maître de langue pour l’ENSIP à Poitiers —
– 1 lecteur pour l’UFR de Lettres & Langues à Poitiers —

Les dossiers sont à envoyer à et AVANT FIN FEVRIER. Les dossiers incomplets ne seront pas examinés. En cas de candidatures plurielles, il faut un seul dossier, mais une lettre de motivation spécifique pour chaque  candidature. [download docx]

École Normale Supérieure de Lyon will hire four English-language lecteurs for 2017. [download pdf]

Applications for lecteur positions at Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès are due by March 1, 2017. [calendrier pdf] Positions are not always posted on the website, but you can just send your dossier to/contact individual departments. [recrutement lecteur 2017 doc] Keep checking the Documents à Télécharger sidebar for information on how many lecteurs will be needed for 2017-18.

At the Sorbonne Nouvelle (Université Paris 3), the département du Monde Anglophone recruits several English lecteurs and one maître de langue each year. Deadline is March 13 for the lecteur positions, and March 6 for the maître de langue position.

Other Options to Teach English

If you are not qualified to teach at the university level, consider the Teaching Assistant Program in France to teach in the French public school system. The contract is shorter and the pay is less, but it is good experience if you plan to move up to teaching at the university level later on. Deadlines are from December to March, depending on your nationality. (The American program has a deadline of January 31, 2017). There are also other opportunities to teach English in Europe if you would like to teach in other countries.

If you are an American citizen with a Master’s degree in TESOL/linguistics, you can also apply to the English Language Fellow Program to teach English overseas for 10 months. The locations change every year, but there are many options available and the stipend is $30,000.

Teach English in Latin America: Paid and Volunteer Programs

Teach English in Latin America: Paid and Volunteer Programs


If you would like to teach English in Latin America so that you can improve your Spanish while getting teaching experience and living abroad, here are some official programs and options for native speakers of English:

Get Paid to Teach English:

If you’d like to teach English in Colombia, the English Teaching Fellowship offers placements in primary/secondary schools or vocational training for young adults. The age limit is 21 to 50, and a Bachelor’s degree plus basic Spanish competency is required. The monthly stipend is 1,500,000 Colombian pesos (around $500) for 25 teaching hours and 15 administrative hours per week. A deposit of $400 is also required, but will be returned once you complete the program. There are many start dates throughout the year (January, March, June), with contracts ranging from 6 to 11 months.

If you’d like to teach English in Chile, the English Open Doors Program began in 2015 thanks to the Educational Reform to provide students in public schools with more opportunities to learn English. Volunteers can be placed almost anywhere in Chile during the fall and spring semesters (March to July and August to November). The age limit is 21 to 35; however, applicants over 35 may be considered on a case-by-case basis. A Bachelor’s degree is required, but knowledge of Spanish is not. The monthly stipend is 70,000 Chilean Pesos (around $100) to cover transportation, supplies, or extra food not provided by the host family. The application is usually available in mid-September, with start dates in March/April and July/August.

The WorldTeach Global Education Fellowship program recently began in Ecuador as part of President Correa’s “It is Time to Teach” initiative. Fellows spend 10 months in the Amazonian and Andean regions of Ecuador, teaching English full-time in public K-12 schools. Airfare and TEFL certification are included, and a professional development project is required in addition to teaching. Fellows live with host families and receive around $150 per month for basic living costs. Applicants must have a Bachelor’s degree and be between the ages of 21 and 74.

There are some schools in Panama that teach classes in English. You can always check the job listings for the Oxford International School or the International School of Panama.

For US citizens, don’t forget that you can apply to any job in Puerto Rico. There are a few English-language international schools, such as Baldwin School and Commonwealth-Parkville School.

The English Fellow Program through the US Department of State is probably the most well-paid option for Americans (stipend of $30,000 for the 10 month placement), but you do need a Master’s degree to apply and there is no guarantee where you will be placed. They have several assignments all over the world, so you may not even be placed in Latin America.


Program Fee plus Monthly Allowance:

Teach Abroad with CIEE offers paid programs to teach English in the Dominican Republic or Chile. Even though you receive a monthly stipend, you also have to pay a $1,900 fee for the Dominican Republic or $2,900 for Chile. The stipend is about $550 for the Dominican Republic and just over $750 for Chile, so you’ll essentially be volunteering for almost half the time. A Bachelor’s degree and upper intermediate Spanish skills are required for both countries, and a TEFL certification is also required for Chile.

CIEE also has a few programs to teach English in Spain if you’re just looking to work in a Spanish-speaking country, but note that the regular program is essentially the same as the free auxiliar de conversación program run by the Spanish government.


Pay to Volunteer Programs:

It may seem odd to pay to volunteer, but the fees cover almost everything except your plane ticket and visa. You will usually stay with a host family, be provided with three meals a day, have health insurance, and possibly transportation costs covered. You will have support from the program coordinators if you need help, and some programs offer a TEFL certification as part of the volunteer experience.

CIEE offers a one month volunteer program to teach English in Peru.

World Teach has programs in Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Guyana (which is an English-speaking country so the subjects will be math, science, history, etc.)

Projects Abroad includes programs in Argentina, Belize (English-speaking country), Bolivia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Jamaica (English-speaking country), Mexico, and Peru.


Check out Go Overseas for more programs and reviews. Remember that you can always study abroad, intern abroad, or volunteer abroad for programs involving conservation, agriculture, archaeology, etc. if you decide that teaching English is not your thing.


Also read through Offical Programs to Teach English in Europe if you think you’d rather go across the pond.


Official Programs to Teach English in Europe

Official Programs to Teach English in Europe

Do you want to teach English in Europe?

A few countries have official programs to bring in native English speakers to work as language assistants in the public school system. If you are currently an undergraduate student or have a BA and are under 30 years of age, then there are several programs to teach English in Europe to choose from. However, there are a few programs that will consider applicants over 30, especially in Spain.

I will update the deadline dates when the 2017-2018 applications become available, typically from October to January. Deadlines tend to range from December to April.

Teach English in Europe - Official programs for native English speakers to teach in France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic, and Hungary

English Teaching Programs in Europe

1. France (For citizens of all major English-speaking nations)

The Teaching Assistant Program in France (managed by the CIEP) is open to English-speaking citizens of several countries: the US, Canada, the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India, Jamaica, Barbados, the Bahamas, Trinidad & Tobago, as well as students from any of the members of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States who are enrolled at the University of the West Indies.

Monthly salary: 790€ net; assistants placed in DOM-TOMs receive higher salaries but NOT those placed in Paris

US program: Must have completed 2 years of a BA and be between ages of 21 and 30, with intermediate level of French. Application fee of $40. Dual French-American citizens are not eligible.
Deadline: January 15, 2017

Canadian program: Applicants must have completed two years of higher education by October 1, 2015. Dual French-Canadian citizens are not eligible, and there is an application fee of $40 USD.
Deadline: February 15, 2017

UK program through British Council
Deadline: December 19

Irish program: must be between ages of 20 and 35 and have completed 2nd year of BA
Deadline: February 20

Deadline: December 17

New Zealand
Deadline: February 27

Deadline: December 2

Jamaica and the Bahamas
Deadline: January 5

2. Spain (For citizens of US, Canada, UK, and Ireland)

US & Canadian program: must hold a minimum of a BA or BS by the end of the academic year preceding the start of the program, be a junior or a senior, or have become a university graduate. Age limit is 60 years of age (as of 2016, the age limit of 35 for Madrid has been removed and all regions in Spain are now participating).
Monthly salary: 700€ for most locations; 1,000€ for those placed in Madrid
Deadline: April

UK program through British Council: undergraduates studying Spanish at a UK university will be treated as priority candidates
Monthly salary: 700€ for most locations; 1,000€ for those placed in Madrid
Deadline: December 19

Irish program through ELA Scheme
No age limit; must have completed one year of university
Monthly salary: 700€ net
Deadline: March 2

A few other language assistant programs in Spain which have no age limits include UCETAM (Madrid only), Meddeas (private schools), and BEDA (Catholic schools mostly in Madrid).


3. Italy (For citizens of the US, UK, and Ireland)

US program: Placements available in Lombardy only
Monthly salary: 700€ net
Deadline: February

UK program through British Council
Monthly salary: 850€ net
Deadline: December 19

Irish program through ELA Scheme: Undergraduates who are studying Italian at a university/third level institution of education, are under 30 years of age, and have completed two years of third level studies are eligible to apply.
Monthly salary: 850€ net
Deadline: March 2


4. Germany (For citizens of the US, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand)

US program through Fulbright
Deadline: Usually in October

UK program through British Council
Monthly salary: 800€ net
Deadline: December 19

Irish program through ELA Scheme: must have completed 2 years of university and be under 29
Monthly salary: 800€ net
Deadline: March 2

Australian program: must have BA, be under 29, and have good knowledge of German
Monthly salary: 800€ plus one-time travel grant of 1,000€
Deadline: February 28


5. Austria (For citizens of the US, UK, and Ireland)

US program: Must have BA and working knowledge of German
Monthly salary: 1,105€ net
Deadline: January 15

UK program through British Council
Monthly salary: around 1,133€
Deadline: December 19

Irish program through the ELA Scheme
Modern language undergraduates after their second year of study are eligible to apply; Austrian authorities request that applicants are under 30 years old.
Monthly salary: approximately 1,000€ net
Deadline: March 2


6. Switzerland (For citizens of the US, Canada, UK, Ireland, and Australia)

UK and Irish applicants are considered first, then if necessary, those from the US, Canada and Australia. Aimed at students and graduates of universities and teacher training colleges; must be between ages of 21 and 30
Monthly salary: 2,550 CHF net
Deadline: February 27


7. Czech Republic

Knowledge of Czech not required. No age limit. Positions in Prague are scarce.


8. Hungary (For citizens of the US, Canada, UK, and Australia)

Applications accepted at all times, but there is an application fee of $750. Bachelor’s degree required. Knowledge of Hungarian not required. No age limit.

For US citizens, the Fulbright program has several English Teaching Assistant positions (throughout the world, not just Europe) but these positions are quite competitive. The largest program in Europe is Germany, with 140 positions available. The deadline for Fulbright grants is typically in October for a program that starts in the following year. Applicants 29 and younger receive special consideration, and you cannot apply to a country for which you hold citizenship.

For UK citizens, the British Council offers assistantships in several countries both within and outside of Europe: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Switzerland in Europe; and Argentina, (Francophone) Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Ecuador or Mexico outside of Europe. Applications are usually due by December for programs that start in the following year. For Irish citizens, the English Language Assistant Scheme offers positions in France, Austria, Germany, Italy and Spain.

If you’re looking to teach English in Europe but don’t have much experience, go to my ESL Lesson Plans page to see what I’ve used in my courses (and you can download them for free!)

Using Realia Resources in Language Teaching & Learning

Realia resources are everyday, authentic objects, such as photographs, menus, brochures, receipts, maps, movies, television shows, commercials, etc. that are used to teach and learn languages. Some researchers include any items that can be used to prompt conversations or role-play, such as telephones, but those are generally meant to be employed in the classroom with other learners. For self-study, the most helpful realia illustrates how the language is actually used in the country where it is spoken. Visiting the country to experience the language is obviously the best way to learn, but in the absence of the time and money necessary for travel, the internet can provide much of the realia needed.

Online ad showing informal French: Yapamieux = Il n’y a pas mieux

The lack of authentic language in language learning materials was most striking to me upon arriving in France and realizing that what I had learned in my classes was not how people actually spoke. I still recall the dialog in my textbook for buying train tickets, which consisted of a mere 4 lines and completely lacked any cultural clues as to what country it was referring to. Most textbooks default to France and teach a little about the rail system, the SNCF, but they neglect to include the specific names of trains. It is very important to know the difference between the TGV and TER, or what types of trains Lunéa, Téoz and Intercités are, or what the Carte 12-25 or Carte Escapades are used for. And as soon as you cross the border into Switzerland or Belgium, there is a new list of names and acronyms for the rail systems and trains to deal with: CFF, SNCB, ICT, ICN, etc.

Realia Resources for learning languagesProbably need to find out what composter means before getting on the train…

So why didn’t my textbook (or teacher) provide us with an actual train ticket and schedule, or at least a copy of one? Why did I never see a real menu from an actual restaurant while we were learning food vocabulary? I realized it may be a little difficult for North American teachers to have access to these types of realia, which is why I started scanning my old train tickets and receipts. Then I started taking pictures of menus and signs; anything with the written language that I thought would be useful for learners. Currently my realia collection includes French, German, Croatian and Danish, and I will be adding Dutch and Italian in the next few months. Every time I travel, I make sure to gather as much visual realia as possible, as well as website addresses of stores, restaurants, museums, and public transportation companies since many offer downloads of catalogs or menus or schedules.

Authentic Language Realia Resources

You don’t necessarily have to be in the country in order to experience and learn its language. The internet allows you to get very close without leaving your home. I certainly wish I would have been able to look at menus before arriving. I would have known that everyone says cookie instead of biscuit and ice tea instead of thé glacé (the latter being the only words my books ever taught me). And if Youtube had been around when I was in school, I could have watched plenty of videos and listened to spoken, informal French instead of relying on scripted dialogs from a textbook. This is yet another reason why I started the Informal French and Listening Resources pages. Getting as much exposure to the real language as possible is now a priority for me when first learning a language (I learned my lesson with French!) and so I find myself using the internet much more often than any of my books, unless I specifically want to focus on grammar.