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Teach English at French Universities 2022-2023

Teach English at French Universities 2022-2023

Welcome to the 2022-2023 list of English lecteur / lectrice and maître de langue positions at French universities!

If you have finished at least one year of a Master’s degree, you may be eligible to apply to teach English at the university level in France. Please read through the English lecteur / lectrice information. If your university has a job listing to advertise, feel free to e-mail me at ielanguages@gmail.com.

Open lecteur/lectrice/maître de langue positions for the 2022-2023 academic year (earliest deadline dates first)

Maître de langues position University of Angers – september 2022 to 2023

The University of Angers is looking for a Maître de Langues in English, for its Law and Business department for the academic year 2022-2023.

To apply you need to be either a native speaker of English or have a native speaker command of the language, speak decent French, and preferably some form of training in Law, or at least have a keen interest in judicial issues, to apply for this position.

You will be required to teach across the range from L1 to M2 and be in charge of developing all or part of the course material. Past experience of teaching English as a foreign language and course development is therefore greatly appreciated.

The statutory hours for the position is 192 hours per annum, to which 192 of overtime hours are usually added

The contract is for 1 year, and can be renewed once.

To apply send your CV and cover letter to sonia.bruzac@univ-angers.fr and damienne.meunier@univ-angers.fr AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, as the entire application procedure must be carried out throughout April.

La Faculté de Médecine de Montpellier/Nîmes recrute actuellement deux lecteurs d’anglais ayant un très bon niveau de français ayant de préférence de l’expérience en tant qu’enseignant. Niveau Master (Master’s Degree) exigé. Il s’agit d’enseigner de l’anglais spécialisé (Médecine, Orthophonie, Orthoptie…) et notamment la lecture d’un article médical.

Les recrutements sont ouverts sur le site CAMPEC jusqu’au 18/4/22.

L’antenne de Beauvais de l’Université de Picardie Jules Verne recherche un maître ou une maîtresse de langue pour l’année universitaire 2022-2023 afin d’assurer des cours de civilisation et de langue anglaise auprès des étudiants de sa filière LEA et LLCER. Ce contrat peut être reconduit un an. Les conditions requises pour une candidature sont les suivantes:

–avoir un diplôme français ou étranger d’un niveau équivalent à celui du diplôme national de master.

–n’avoir jamais enseigné en tant que lecteur ou maître de langues dans une université

— être de langue maternelle anglaise ou pratiquer l’anglais à l’égal de la langue maternelle.

–avoir une bonne connaissance de la langue française, écrite et orale.

Le service est de 192h à l’année et peut être regroupé sur trois jours. Il comprend des cours de labo (compréhension/expression orale), thèmes, communication en milieu professionnel, et/ou des TDs de civilisation britannique et américaines, dont le contenu sera fourni.  Il est souhaitable que les candidat.e.s possèdent une expérience de l’enseignement de la langue anglaise (des compétences en phonétique/phonologie sont plus que bienvenues) et des compétences ou connaissances en institutions britanniques actuelles et/ou l’histoire des États-Unis. Il est possible pour la personne recrutée d’effectuer des heures supplémentaires dans la filière LEA et LLCER de l’Antenne, Le service comprend les tâches liées à l’activité d’enseignement, notamment la préparation, la surveillance et la correction des contrôles de connaissance et examens. Le salaire net par mois est d’environ 1 500 euros, de septembre à août. Merci de diffuser cette information. Les candidatures (curriculum vitae et lettre de candidature en format .doc ou .pdf) peuvent être envoyées au plus tard le 22 avril 2022 aux deux adresses suivantes: 

malinovichenglish@gmail.com Nadia Malinovich

villers.upjv@gmail.com Aurélie Villers

Other Options to Teach English Abroad

If you are not qualified to teach at the university level, consider the Teaching Assistant Program in France to teach in the French public school system. The contract is shorter and the pay is less, but it is good experience if you plan to move up to teaching at the university level later on. Deadlines are from December to March, depending on your nationality. There are also other opportunities to teach English in Europe or Latin America if you would like to teach in other countries.

If you are an American citizen with a Master’s degree in TESOL/linguistics, you can also apply to the English Language Fellow Program to teach English overseas for 10 months. The locations change every year, but there are many options available and the stipend is $30,000.

Teach English in Latin America: Paid and Volunteer Programs

Teach English in Latin America: Paid and Volunteer Programs


If you would like to teach English in Latin America so that you can improve your Spanish while getting teaching experience and living abroad, here are some official programs and options for native speakers of English:

Get Paid to Teach English:

If you’d like to teach English in Colombia, the English Teaching Fellowship offers placements in primary/secondary schools or vocational training for young adults. The age limit is 21 to 50, and a Bachelor’s degree plus basic Spanish competency is required. The monthly stipend is 1,500,000 Colombian pesos (around $500) for 25 teaching hours and 15 administrative hours per week. A deposit of $400 is also required, but will be returned once you complete the program. There are many start dates throughout the year (January, March, June), with contracts ranging from 6 to 11 months.

If you’d like to teach English in Chile, the English Open Doors Program began in 2015 thanks to the Educational Reform to provide students in public schools with more opportunities to learn English. Volunteers can be placed almost anywhere in Chile during the fall and spring semesters (March to July and August to November). The age limit is 21 to 35; however, applicants over 35 may be considered on a case-by-case basis. A Bachelor’s degree is required, but knowledge of Spanish is not. The monthly stipend is 70,000 Chilean Pesos (around $100) to cover transportation, supplies, or extra food not provided by the host family. The application is usually available in mid-September, with start dates in March/April and July/August.

The WorldTeach Global Education Fellowship program recently began in Ecuador as part of President Correa’s “It is Time to Teach” initiative. Fellows spend 10 months in the Amazonian and Andean regions of Ecuador, teaching English full-time in public K-12 schools. Airfare and TEFL certification are included, and a professional development project is required in addition to teaching. Fellows live with host families and receive around $150 per month for basic living costs. Applicants must have a Bachelor’s degree and be between the ages of 21 and 74.

There are some schools in Panama that teach classes in English. You can always check the job listings for the Oxford International School or the International School of Panama.

For US citizens, don’t forget that you can apply to any job in Puerto Rico. There are a few English-language international schools, such as Baldwin School and Commonwealth-Parkville School.

The English Fellow Program through the US Department of State is probably the most well-paid option for Americans (stipend of $30,000 for the 10 month placement), but you do need a Master’s degree to apply and there is no guarantee where you will be placed. They have several assignments all over the world, so you may not even be placed in Latin America.


Program Fee plus Monthly Allowance:

Teach Abroad with CIEE offers paid programs to teach English in the Dominican Republic or Chile. Even though you receive a monthly stipend, you also have to pay a $1,900 fee for the Dominican Republic or $2,900 for Chile. The stipend is about $550 for the Dominican Republic and just over $750 for Chile, so you’ll essentially be volunteering for almost half the time. A Bachelor’s degree and upper intermediate Spanish skills are required for both countries, and a TEFL certification is also required for Chile.

CIEE also has a few programs to teach English in Spain if you’re just looking to work in a Spanish-speaking country, but note that the regular program is essentially the same as the free auxiliar de conversación program run by the Spanish government.


Pay to Volunteer Programs:

It may seem odd to pay to volunteer, but the fees cover almost everything except your plane ticket and visa. You will usually stay with a host family, be provided with three meals a day, have health insurance, and possibly transportation costs covered. You will have support from the program coordinators if you need help, and some programs offer a TEFL certification as part of the volunteer experience.

CIEE offers a one month volunteer program to teach English in Peru.

World Teach has programs in Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Guyana (which is an English-speaking country so the subjects will be math, science, history, etc.)

Projects Abroad includes programs in Argentina, Belize (English-speaking country), Bolivia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Jamaica (English-speaking country), Mexico, and Peru.


Check out Go Overseas for more programs and reviews. Remember that you can always study abroad, intern abroad, or volunteer abroad for programs involving conservation, agriculture, archaeology, etc. if you decide that teaching English is not your thing.


Also read through Offical Programs to Teach English in Europe if you think you’d rather go across the pond.