Tag Archives: teach english abroad

Teach English at French Universities 2020-2021

Teach English at French Universities 2020-2021

Welcome to the 2020-2021 list of English lecteur / lectrice and maître de langue positions at French universities!

If you have finished at least one year of a Master’s degree, you may be eligible to apply to teach English at the university level in France. Please read through the English lecteur / lectrice information and check out the 2019-2020 job listings to get an idea of when most deadlines are and which universities were hiring. I’ll continue to add new job listings to this post as I receive them, so be sure to check back often. If your university has a job listing to advertise, feel free to e-mail me at ielanguages@gmail.com.

Open lecteur/lectrice/maître de langue positions for the 2020-2021 academic year (earliest deadline dates first)

No open positions


Deadlines Already Passed:

The Université de Picardie Jules Verne in Amiens is hiring an English lecteur/lectrice to start in September 2020. Deadline is 15 May, 2020. Please download the following PDF for details. In the current circumstances, candidates should submit their applications via email to morgan.dickson@u-picardie.fr

Picardie Jules Verne Lecteur Position 2020-2021

Nantes University is recruiting for a last-minute vacancy as 2020-21 lecteur/lectrice for the Languages department (students specialising in either Business and Languages or general English studies), to complete our team of seven lecteurs/lectrices. To be eligible, you must have completed at least one year of a Master’s Degree, be a native English speaker, preferably with some teaching or other work experience. You need to be dynamic, enjoy working in a team, and be keen to share your culture and interests with others. To apply, please send a CV and cover letter in English, plus either a reference or the contact details of a referee, to Jackie.baker@univ-nantes.fr by May 20th 2020.

L’Université Lyon 1 – composante INSPE – recrute un.e lecteur.trice d’anglais pour l’année 2020-2021. Dépôt des candidatures du 05 au 26 mai 2020.


Le.la candidat.e est recruté.e pour intervenir au sein de l’Inspé, composante de l’Université Claude Bernard-Lyon 1, auprès des étudiant.e.s des Masters MEEF (enseignement, éducation et formation) premier et second degrés. 

Le.la candidat.e :
–      sera un.e locuteur.rice natif.ve de langue anglaise (Royaume-Uni, Etats-Unis, Canada anglophone, Irlande, Australie, Afrique du Sud, Nouvelle-Zélande)
–      devra justifier d’un titre ou diplôme étranger d’un niveau minimum équivalent à celui d’une année après la Licence (décret n° 87-754 du 14 sept 1987 modifié par Décret n°2013-310 du 11 avril 2013).
–      maîtrisera les outils récents des techniques de l’information et de la communication dans l’enseignement, tels que l’audiovisuel, le multimédia, internet, le courrier électronique, les forums en ligne etc.
Ce poste suppose les qualités suivantes :
–         dynamisme, ouverture d’esprit
–         capacité à entraîner et motiver des groupes d’apprenants
–         assiduité et ponctualité
–         des intérêts culturels variés
–         un bon niveau de français pour pouvoir établir de bonnes relations avec les étudiant.e.s et les personnels de l’Inspé
Une expérience d’enseignement sera appréciée, notamment dans le domaine de la formation d’adultes en langue étrangère.
·       Assurer des cours de langue dans le cadre des Masters en référence au CECRL (Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les Langues : Apprendre, Enseigner, Evaluer. Conseil de l’Europe, 2000)
·       Contribuer le cas échéant à la formation en langue des personnels de l’INSPE
·       Participer aux réunions de concertation de l’équipe des formateurs.trices, et contribuer à la production d’outils ou de supports d’enseignement
Le volume horaire annuel à assurer à l’INSPE est de 300h ETP (ou 200h ETD)
Le.la candidat.e pourra être appelé.e à intervenir sur l’ensemble des différents sites de l’INSPE (Ain : Bourg-en-Bresse, Loire : St Etienne, Rhône : Croix-Rousse à Lyon).
Le dossier de candidature, constitué d’une lettre de motivation, d’un curriculum vitae, et d’une copie des diplômes obtenus, sera adressé par voie électronique le mardi 26 mai 2020 dernier délai aux adresses suivantes : inspe-rh@univ-lyon1.fr ; marie.ramos@univ-lyon1.fr
Pour tous renseignements complémentaires concernant le profil, s’adresser à Mme Angeline DURAND VALLOT : angeline.durand-vallot@univ-lyon1.fr

Le département d’études anglophones de l’Université de Poitiers recherche pour l’année universitaire 2020-2021 un lecteur ou une lectrice de langue maternelle anglaise. Cette personne devra être originaire de l’Union Européenne, ou sinon, résider déjà en France et disposer d’un titre de séjour en règle pour le début du contrat.

Personnes à contacter:
Nicolas VIDEAU: nicolas.videau@univ-poitiers.fr
Marc FRYD: marc.fryd@univ-poitiers.fr

La Faculté des Sciences et Technologies à Vandoeuvre lès Nancy (Université de Lorraine) is hiring a lecteur d’anglais for 2020-2021. Deadline to apply is March 25, 2020. Please download the following PDF for details:

Lorraine Lecteur Position 2020-2021

INSA Hauts-de-France Engineering School in Valenciennes (formerly ENSIAME) is hiring an English lecteur/lectrice for September 2020 to June 2021. Deadline to apply is March 30, 2020. Please download the following PDF for details:

INSA Hauts-de-France Lecteur Position 2020-2021

The Université Polytechnique des Hauts-de-France (Faculty of Science and Technology) in Valenciennes is looking for an English-language Lecteur/Lectrice for the academic year 2020-2021. Deadline to apply is March 31, 2020. Please download the following PDF for details:

Hauts-de-France Lecteur Position 2020-2021

L’antenne de Beauvais de l’Université de Picardie Jules Verne recherche un maître de langue anglaise pour l’année universitaire 2020-2021 afin d’assurer des cours de civilisation et de langue anglaise auprès des étudiants de sa filière LEA et LLCER. Ce contrat peut être reconduit un an. Les conditions requises pour une candidature sont les suivantes: 

–avoir un diplôme français ou étranger d’un niveau équivalent à celui du diplôme national de master. 
–n’avoir jamais enseigné en tant que lecteur ou maître de langues dans une université 
– être de langue maternelle anglaise ou pratiquer l’anglais à l’égal de la langue maternelle. 
–avoir une bonne connaissance de la langue française, écrite et orale. 

Le service est de 192h à l’année et peut être regroupé sur trois jours. Il comprend des cours de laboratoire, expression, et communication en milieu professionnel, ainsi que des TD de civilisation britannique, dont le contenu sera fourni. Il est souhaitable que le candidat possède une expérience de l’enseignement de la langue anglaise (des compétences en phonétique/phonologie sont plus que bienvenues) et des compétences ou connaissances en institutions britanniques actuelles. Il est possible pour le candidat d’effectuer des heures supplémentaires dans la filière LEA et LLCER ainsi que dans les autres filières de l’antenne. Le service comprend les tâches liées à l’activité d’enseignement, notamment la préparation, la surveillance et la correction des contrôles de connaissance et examens. Le salaire net par mois est d’environ 1 500 euros, de septembre à août. Merci de diffuser cette information. Les candidatures (curriculum vitae et lettre de candidature en format .doc ou .pdf) peuvent être envoyées au plus tard le 1 avril 2020 aux deux adresses suivantes:  

malinovichenglish@gmail.com Nadia Malinovich 
villers.upjv@gmail.com Aurélie Villers

Due to a last-minute vacancy, ENSIM Engineering School at Le Mans University is hiring a lectrice/lecteur d’anglais for 2020-2021. As an excellent mastery of English is essential for their future careers, our students are highly motivated and eager to improve their language skills. Applicants should have completed at least one year of a Master’s Degree and be native English speakers, preferably with some teaching or other work experience.  To apply, please send a CV and cover letter to daniel.koechlin@univ-lemans.fr

Other Options to Teach English Abroad

If you are not qualified to teach at the university level, consider the Teaching Assistant Program in France to teach in the French public school system. The contract is shorter and the pay is less, but it is good experience if you plan to move up to teaching at the university level later on. Deadlines are from December to March, depending on your nationality. There are also other opportunities to teach English in Europe or Latin America if you would like to teach in other countries.

If you are an American citizen with a Master’s degree in TESOL/linguistics, you can also apply to the English Language Fellow Program to teach English overseas for 10 months. The locations change every year, but there are many options available and the stipend is $30,000.

Official Programs to Teach English in Europe

Official Programs to Teach English in Europe

Do you want to teach English in Europe?

A few countries have official programs to bring in native English speakers to work as language assistants in the public school system. If you are currently an undergraduate student or have a BA and are under 30 years of age, then there are several programs to teach English in Europe to choose from. However, there are a few programs that will consider applicants over 30, especially in Spain.

I will update the deadline dates when the 2017-2018 applications become available, typically from October to January. Deadlines tend to range from December to April.

Teach English in Europe - Official programs for native English speakers to teach in France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic, and Hungary

English Teaching Programs in Europe

1. France (For citizens of all major English-speaking nations)

The Teaching Assistant Program in France (managed by the CIEP) is open to English-speaking citizens of several countries: the US, Canada, the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India, Jamaica, Barbados, the Bahamas, Trinidad & Tobago, as well as students from any of the members of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States who are enrolled at the University of the West Indies.

Monthly salary: 790€ net; assistants placed in DOM-TOMs receive higher salaries but NOT those placed in Paris

US program: Must have completed 2 years of a BA and be between ages of 21 and 30, with intermediate level of French. Application fee of $40. Dual French-American citizens are not eligible.
Deadline: January 15, 2017

Canadian program: Applicants must have completed two years of higher education by October 1, 2015. Dual French-Canadian citizens are not eligible, and there is an application fee of $40 USD.
Deadline: February 15, 2017

UK program through British Council
Deadline: December 19

Irish program: must be between ages of 20 and 35 and have completed 2nd year of BA
Deadline: February 20

Deadline: December 17

New Zealand
Deadline: February 27

Deadline: December 2

Jamaica and the Bahamas
Deadline: January 5

2. Spain (For citizens of US, Canada, UK, and Ireland)

US & Canadian program: must hold a minimum of a BA or BS by the end of the academic year preceding the start of the program, be a junior or a senior, or have become a university graduate. Age limit is 60 years of age (as of 2016, the age limit of 35 for Madrid has been removed and all regions in Spain are now participating).
Monthly salary: 700€ for most locations; 1,000€ for those placed in Madrid
Deadline: April

UK program through British Council: undergraduates studying Spanish at a UK university will be treated as priority candidates
Monthly salary: 700€ for most locations; 1,000€ for those placed in Madrid
Deadline: December 19

Irish program through ELA Scheme
No age limit; must have completed one year of university
Monthly salary: 700€ net
Deadline: March 2

A few other language assistant programs in Spain which have no age limits include UCETAM (Madrid only), Meddeas (private schools), and BEDA (Catholic schools mostly in Madrid).


3. Italy (For citizens of the US, UK, and Ireland)

US program: Placements available in Lombardy only
Monthly salary: 700€ net
Deadline: February

UK program through British Council
Monthly salary: 850€ net
Deadline: December 19

Irish program through ELA Scheme: Undergraduates who are studying Italian at a university/third level institution of education, are under 30 years of age, and have completed two years of third level studies are eligible to apply.
Monthly salary: 850€ net
Deadline: March 2


4. Germany (For citizens of the US, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand)

US program through Fulbright
Deadline: Usually in October

UK program through British Council
Monthly salary: 800€ net
Deadline: December 19

Irish program through ELA Scheme: must have completed 2 years of university and be under 29
Monthly salary: 800€ net
Deadline: March 2

Australian program: must have BA, be under 29, and have good knowledge of German
Monthly salary: 800€ plus one-time travel grant of 1,000€
Deadline: February 28


5. Austria (For citizens of the US, UK, and Ireland)

US program: Must have BA and working knowledge of German
Monthly salary: 1,105€ net
Deadline: January 15

UK program through British Council
Monthly salary: around 1,133€
Deadline: December 19

Irish program through the ELA Scheme
Modern language undergraduates after their second year of study are eligible to apply; Austrian authorities request that applicants are under 30 years old.
Monthly salary: approximately 1,000€ net
Deadline: March 2


6. Switzerland (For citizens of the US, Canada, UK, Ireland, and Australia)

UK and Irish applicants are considered first, then if necessary, those from the US, Canada and Australia. Aimed at students and graduates of universities and teacher training colleges; must be between ages of 21 and 30
Monthly salary: 2,550 CHF net
Deadline: February 27


7. Czech Republic

Knowledge of Czech not required. No age limit. Positions in Prague are scarce.


8. Hungary (For citizens of the US, Canada, UK, and Australia)

Applications accepted at all times, but there is an application fee of $750. Bachelor’s degree required. Knowledge of Hungarian not required. No age limit.

For US citizens, the Fulbright program has several English Teaching Assistant positions (throughout the world, not just Europe) but these positions are quite competitive. The largest program in Europe is Germany, with 140 positions available. The deadline for Fulbright grants is typically in October for a program that starts in the following year. Applicants 29 and younger receive special consideration, and you cannot apply to a country for which you hold citizenship.

For UK citizens, the British Council offers assistantships in several countries both within and outside of Europe: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Switzerland in Europe; and Argentina, (Francophone) Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Ecuador or Mexico outside of Europe. Applications are usually due by December for programs that start in the following year. For Irish citizens, the English Language Assistant Scheme offers positions in France, Austria, Germany, Italy and Spain.

If you’re looking to teach English in Europe but don’t have much experience, go to my ESL Lesson Plans page to see what I’ve used in my courses (and you can download them for free!)