Afrikaans Verbs

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Afrikaans Verbs


to arrive aankom
to become word
to begin begin
to build bou
to buy koop
to carry / wear dra
to close / shut toemaak / sluit
to come kom
to do doen
to drink drink
to drive ry
to earn verdien
to eat eet
to feel voel
to finish klaarmaak
to fly vlieg
to forget vergeet
to get up opstaan
to give gee
to go gaan
to hate haat
to hear hoor
to invite uitnooi
to know (people) / (facts) ken (iemand) / weet (iets)
to learn leer
to leave verlaat
to listen luister
to live woon
to lose verloor
to make maak
to meet ontmoet
to play speel
to prefer verkies
to put sit
to read lees
to receive ontvang
to remember onthou
to repeat herhaal
to see sien
to sell verkoop
to send stuur
to sit sit
to smile glimlag
to speak praat
to spend bestee
to study studeer
to take neem
to teach leer
to tell vertel
to think dink
to throw gooi
to try probeer
to understand verstaan
to watch kyk
to work werk
to write skryf



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