Afrikaans Modal Verbs

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Afrikaans Modal Verbs

Modal verbs are also called helping or auxiliary verbs. They are used with other verbs to complete the meaning of the sentence. Some modal verbs use the simple past/preterite tense instead of the present perfect to express the past tense, just like wees which has a past form of was.

be able to / can kan may / be allowed to mag
could kon would like wil graag
have to / must moet would rather sal liewer
must not / don't moenie had better moet liewer / beter
had to moes dare durf
don't have / don't need to hoef nie think dink
want to wil thought dag / dog
wanted to wou thought (of someone) het...gedink
will sal need het...nodig
would sou should / ought to behoort

The modals kan, mag, moet, wil, and sal do not require om te before an infinitive, but behoort, durf, and hoef do require te only.




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